Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Welcome to 6th grade! Summer Expectations

Dear students,     

Welcome to 6th grade -- officially!

Here is your assignment:
    • Reading choice: Choose 1 to complete.
      • Read and log 1,000 minutes and complete 6 blog posts.
      • Choose at least books from the Rising 6th Grade Summer Reading list and complete 6 blog posts.

Blog posts need to restate the question and be detailed and thoughtful. You may also respond to someone else's blog posts as long as it is also detailed and thoughtful. I also recommend writing your responses on a Google Doc and then copy/paste them to the blog. This way if you are unsure if it posted correctly, you can have a record of your responses to turn in at the beginning of the school year.

To help you with book choices, last year's students made book trailers of their favorite books. I will post the book trailers throughout the summer to help you choose interesting books. As a note: students will recommend a wide variety of books -- different genres, reading levels, and maturity levels. I encourage you and your family to use Common Sense Media and other book reviews to see if the book is appropriate for you. There are many, many options!

Here are a few books you may want to read:

Hatchet: A Book Trailer by Browning T. (Great author who is included on the 6th Grade Summer Reading list.)

Walk Two Moons: A Book Trailer by Lucy M. (We will read this in Literary Circle if you plan on joining next year and want to hold off.)

Also here are the books we may read in 6th grade: Wonder, A Long Walk to Water, Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief, Chains, The Giver, The Outsiders, Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, Walk Two Moons, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, and A Wrinkle in Time.

First blog response: Describe yourself as a reader. Be honest. You can write about what you like, don't like, and books you like to read. I have written my response in the comment section as an example.

Don't forget to edit your blog response and to answer the question in great detail explaining your answer.

Enjoy the book trailers and reading!
Ms. Sikes