Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Welcome to 6th grade! Summer Expectations

Dear students,     

Welcome to 6th grade -- officially!

Here is your assignment:
    • Reading choice: Choose 1 to complete.
      • Read and log 1,000 minutes and complete 6 blog posts.
      • Choose at least books from the Rising 6th Grade Summer Reading list and complete 6 blog posts.

Blog posts need to restate the question and be detailed and thoughtful. You may also respond to someone else's blog posts as long as it is also detailed and thoughtful. I also recommend writing your responses on a Google Doc and then copy/paste them to the blog. This way if you are unsure if it posted correctly, you can have a record of your responses to turn in at the beginning of the school year.

To help you with book choices, last year's students made book trailers of their favorite books. I will post the book trailers throughout the summer to help you choose interesting books. As a note: students will recommend a wide variety of books -- different genres, reading levels, and maturity levels. I encourage you and your family to use Common Sense Media and other book reviews to see if the book is appropriate for you. There are many, many options!

Here are a few books you may want to read:

Hatchet: A Book Trailer by Browning T. (Great author who is included on the 6th Grade Summer Reading list.)

Walk Two Moons: A Book Trailer by Lucy M. (We will read this in Literary Circle if you plan on joining next year and want to hold off.)

Also here are the books we may read in 6th grade: Wonder, A Long Walk to Water, Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief, Chains, The Giver, The Outsiders, Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, Walk Two Moons, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, and A Wrinkle in Time.

First blog response: Describe yourself as a reader. Be honest. You can write about what you like, don't like, and books you like to read. I have written my response in the comment section as an example.

Don't forget to edit your blog response and to answer the question in great detail explaining your answer.

Enjoy the book trailers and reading!
Ms. Sikes


  1. I would describe myself as an avid reader, so of course I read a lot. My idea of relaxing is sometimes to find a comfy place to sit, bring out a brand new book, and start reading. I think I am the kind of person who will get lost in a book, and who will have a pretty good idea in their head of what the story looks like. I really like fantasy stories because it shows things that can’t happen in real life. I really got into the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson series’ because they are full of fantasy. I like how Percy Jackson put a twist to something like The Greek and Roman times, but put a twist to it. Language arts is my favorite subject, and reading is my favorite part of it. That is how I would describe myself as a reader.


  2. I love reading if it is a good book. If it is a boring book I don’t like reading. I love some fantasy books, I love historical fiction, and I love realistic fiction. My favorite series Was Fablehaven. I liked it because it had lots of action, it keeps you on the edge of your seat, and it has some fantasy, but not to much.

    1. I agree with you James I love to read when I find a good book and I really understand it. When I don't understand it or like the book I don't like to read. When I get hooked on a book I can read for hours.

  3. To describe myself as a reader I would first say that I am someone who really enjoys realistic fiction and fantasy. One of the series that I have read that falls in the genre of fantasy is the Land of Stories series, written by Chris Colfer. Also Esperanza Rising is definitely realistic fiction, and was written by Pam Munoz Ryan. However, I'm not someone who enjoys comic books. I really am excited though to challenge myself through my love of reading and writing! It has always been one of my favorite things to just sit down and read a good book!

  4. I personally love reading. Reading takes me on an adventure to do different places. Sometimes I sit down with a book and when I check the time 3 hours have gone by in a flash. My favorite series is the Harry Potter series. It is all about a boy who's parents were wizards, and got killed by an evil wizard named Voldemort, but Harry is the first to ever escape him. After this he gets dropped off at the only remaining members of his family's house, The Vernons. The Vernons treat Harry very unfair. They move into a place far away from civilization. Then Harry gets taken by Hagrid to go to a wizarding school called Hogwarts where he will learn to be a wizard.
    I love this series because it is action packed with many twists and turns. There isn't really a point in the book when it's boring. When I'm reading a book I'm dedicated to finishing it. Reading is a great skill, and it is the best way to learn ever.
    I can't wait to learn more and more, and get to spend the whole next year with you and the other 6th Grade teachers.

    Cooper Waller

  5. If I was describing myself as a reader, I would first say that I love to read. I enjoy almost all genres, but I prefer books that include real people or situations such as historical fiction, realistic fiction, and biographies. I am not a huge fan of science-fiction and fantasy, but I will definitely give them a try if they are recommended to me. I enjoy learning about different people, places, cultures,and times. It is so interesting to me to compare my life to other people’s lives. I like to think about what some people go through, and how lucky I am. I will jump into my bed at night and get lost inside of a good book. It is a great way to pass time during long trips. Although I do not always read everyday, I love when I do. There will be days when my nose is just buried in a book. I also have always enjoyed read-alouds with my class. I think that reading is a great way to relax. You can relate to the characters, disagree or agree with people’s opinions, make predictions, and learn interesting facts all from just reading a book. I don’t know what I would do if I wasn’t able to read. I like to remember Dr. Seuss’ quote, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Reading is so important to me and my life.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. If I had to describe myself as a reader I would say that my favorite genre is fantasy. I love getting lost in a good book because it can transport you. Its also a great way to pass the time. Language Arts is my favorite subject. Reading is a great way to learn. You need to know how to read to do other subjects too. We use reading in daily life, which is why it's so important to me.

  8. I am a picky reader. I love reading because it is like traveling to part of yours and the author’s imagination that you never seen before. There is always so much to explore and wonder that it is easy to get lost in that world. Although, not all books present this feeling to me. I have learned over the years that not all books have a magical and wondrous feeling to it. Some can be a drag with no excitement, fears or that astonishing feeling that leaves you on the edge of your seat. I have learned to differentiate the magical books to the other ones. I will usually only read a book if it is recommended to me, if it is a classic that I have heard of before, or I have done my research to find some award-winning 6th-7th grade books. Some of my favorite books include the Harry Potter series, Wonder, The Apothecary series, The Land of Stories, A Wrinkle in Time, and The Hunger Games series. Once I start a book that I truly love, I commit to reading it 24/7. I finished the Harry Potter series in a month or two not because I read fast, but because the amount of time I spent reading it. All of the following books above have presented me to a part of my imagination that I have never been to before and I thoroughly enjoyed each destination. These books presented me with essential emotions such as peace, happiness, fear, attachment, worries, sadness, love, wonder, and so much more.

  9. Sometimes I love reading, or some times it can be really boring. It all depends on the book. Realistic fiction is the genre that takes me on an adventure. I can sit down and read a realistic fiction book, and before I know it, I will realize I have been reading for an hour or so. I sometimes like fantasy, but I don’t like it if almost all of the book is about magical powers and wizards. I feel science fiction and historical fiction are the genres that I will not understand. With these type of books I have to read a sentence over and over again to understand what it is saying
    My favorite book is The Watsons go to Birmingham. This is my favorite book because during the whole story there is action. My second favorite book is President of the Whole Fifth Grade. I love it because I never know how it will end. Also, because I can sorta relate to the book. I feel that reading is a way to explore places in your mind. I look forward to seeing and meeting you.

  10. I love to read because it feels almost like you are in the story. I read a lot in my spare time. It is one of my favorite things to do. I like how you can imagine what the story looks like. I read a lot of different genres. My favorite genre is probably fantasy. I love how fantasy books are not based on real life situations. My favorite fantasy series is The Harry Potter series. I love the mystery in the book. It definitely keeps me on edge, and I can't stop reading it! I also like Realistic, and Historical Fiction too. There are a few genres that I haven't really read much yet. I haven't really been reading a lot of Sci-Fi books. My goal this year is too start some more genres that I don't usually read. I think that if I start reading more genres, I will become a stronger reader.

  11. I consider myself as a talented reader. Why? Because of I love to read and I read a lot. I enjoy reading all books, but I am most interested in realistic fiction and fantasy. I have lately enjoyed Echo, Percy Jackson and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I like reading because of you can go many places but stay in one spot at the same time. I also like it because it gives you a new mind for things. By that I mean that you could read a heart-warming book, and then be inspired to go help others. Once I read a happy and relieving part of my book and it gave me a good attitude for the whole day. I also like how it can be re-lived over and over again. You don’t just read the book once, but twice or more. I don’t have many things that I do not like about reading, but I don’t like how the book has to end. I wish that the book could go on and on and that the story would be forever. I love reading and hope you do to.

  12. If I had to describe myself as a reader, I would consider myself someone who likes to be challenged. Although I might not be the best reader, I still enjoy a good book that challenges me. One of my favorite genres is fantasy. Once I have started reading, it is sometimes hard to put my book down. I am always up for a fantasy book, because it has the most twists and turns out of any genre. Also, it is one of the most creative genres, because it doesn't have any limits. From dragons, to magical characters, it has it all. Reading is also very important to me, because I use it in my everyday life. Without reading there is a lot of things that would be different in this world, and this summer I look forward to challenging myself by reading as much as I can.

  13. I describe myself as a talent reader because I read a lot. I also like to challenge myself to read over a book in one day. I can do it. I like to read historical fiction,bio, and non-fiction. I especially like to read Charles Dickens book. I like, Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, and David Copperfield. My favorite quote from him is "We need never be ashamed of our tears." It means that if we mess up and we cry, we shouldn't be ashamed. If we didn't have any books, our world would be bad shape. So I am thankful that we have books, and you should to.

  14. If I were to describe what type of reader I was, I would say I am the type of reader who stays up all night to finish a great book. But for me to want to read a lot it has to be a really interesting book that keeps me on the edge of my seat throughout the book. I especially love to read mystery and fantasy. I love mystery because it challenges your brain to predict what you think will happen next. Fantasy is probably my favorite type of genre because it lets you use your imagination to imagine the story. Even if the story may be fake. I love to read!

  15. If I were to describe myself as a reader I would say that I'm one of those people that have to have a really good book to really sit down and get lost in the story. It has to interest me. One of my favorite genres is mystery because it challenges you to think outside the box, and gives you suspicion about different characters that will make you want to keep reading. I love to be challenged as a reader and a learner. I love how an author can make you have all these different emotions about characters that sometimes aren't even real. I love the kinds of books that are like an emotional roller coaster ride. I love to read, and I can't wait to keep learning!

  16. I describe myself as a reader who has to have a very interesting book in order for me to be able to sit down and get lost in the book. I will stay up all night to finish a great book. One example of a book like this is Harry Potter, all seven books are so action packed and fun that I can not stop reading. I really like fantasy books. Fantasy is my favorite genre. The reason I like fantasy is because the story might be fake, but you can really imagine you are the character.

  17. As a reader I would sum myself up in 1 word. Impatient. When I start a book, I want to know how it ends. Sometimes I just can't help it and will read the last page of a book and then know how it ends as I am reading (but I am getting better about that). I don't like cliff hangers at all. As I said before I have to know how the book ends wether it's happy, sad, predictable, or tragic, I must know the ending and cliff hangers leave the story incomplete. I like reading a variety of books and always seem to have a favorite, then find another that is even better. I have always loved reading and I still do. Novels, murder mysteries(my favorite), fantasy, adventure, and basically everything else. I love Harry Potter! I have read all the books and sometimes when I have nothing else to read, I go back and find things in the books 1-8, that I hadn't realized the first time. I love to solve mysteries. There is always something wrong or strange going on and I love figuring out who did it. The Westing game is a great mystery that I enjoyed. I like to be challenged when I read because I feel that easy books are never as exciting as the more advanced books. Reading is something that I love to do and I can't wait to become an even better reader than I am now.

  18. I describe myself as a bookworm which means I love to read! My favorite place to be is in a library and if I could I will stay there for hours. I like to read all genres, but I especially like to read fantasy and historical fiction. My favorite books and series that I have read are Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Land of Stories, and Echo. I love these books because they are full of twists and are impossible to put down. My least favorite genre to read (even though I can read them all) is science fiction because I find it not as interesting and I don’t normally want to read it as much as the other genres. I am a very active reader and I plan on reading more than the reading requirements over the summer!

  19. If I had to describe myself as a reader I would say that I really like to read on my free time. The books that I really liked reading were Percy Jackson, Land of Stories, and Harry Potter. These books really caught my eye because my favorite genre is fantasy. I like fantasy because I can really get into the book. I can’t stop reading because I am always eager to find out what happens next. I also like fantasy because it expands my imagination. My least favorite type of book is mystery because it takes too long to get to the part when they tell who did the crime. With a mystery book I get really impatient so I put down the book.

  20. If I had to describe myself as a reader I would say that I read for a living. I love reading because it takes you out of your life and into someone else's. Even though the characters are not real most of the time, a truly fantastic book will make you worry for the protagonists' lives or sympathize for the antagonists. If you are having a rough day, a great book will take you to another place that helps you forget about your troubles. Although I have not read what some of my friends consider the 'greats' like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, I have read The Land of Stories, The Apothecary series, and the March graphic novel series about John Lewis during the Civil Rights Movement. I recommend these books to everyone because they are my all time favorite series, and truly take you to another time and place. For all of these books I locked myself in my room and read all day until someone made me come downstairs. That is why I say I practically read for a living.

  21. If I had to describe myself as a reader, I would say that that I am a book-lover. I am a person who will stay up until midnight, determined to finish the book I am reading. I live in a house with 3 really loud little sisters, which can be really hard to concentrate sometimes. The good thing about books is that I can get so absorbed in a book that the noise is drowned out because I am so lost in the book. When I read books, it’s like I am in a different world. Sometimes my mom has to come to my room and literally yell at me to get me back to reality. Some book genres that got me lost in a book were fantasy, historical fiction, and realistic fiction. Some books that fit into the fantasy section that I really liked were the Harry Potter series, the Hunger Games series, the Maze Runner series, and The Mysterious Benedict Society series. One series that fit into the realistic fiction category that I liked was The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate series. Some books that fit into the historical fiction category that I liked were A Tiny Piece of Sky and I Lived on Butterfly Hill. Books expand my imagination and make me feel the emotions that the characters are feeling, almost as if I am that character. I love reading because it takes me to a different place and makes me feel as if I am in that place, feeling the emotions that the characters are feeling, and seeing what the characters are seeing. I can’t wait to read many different books as a grade in my final year at Oak Hill School.

  22. I would describe myself as a picky and impatient reader. Reading is not my favorite part of any day. But when I get into a really good book I can not put it down, but sadly that rarely happens. I love when a book catches my eye. A fantasy or fiction book really makes me excited to read. In books I love using my imagination. It is amazing to be able to understand the real story behind the book and acting like your friends with the main character(s). I love being able to be with a book and having fun reading it.

  23. When it comes to my reading, I would describe myself as somewhat obsessed. No matter where I am, I almost always have a book with me and staying up until midnight to read is becoming a routine. Reading is a skill that benefits you more than any other subject and I love it because no two books are the same therefore, it never gets boring. I also love reading because if I find a great book, it just seems as if reality melts away and suddenly I am inside of the story. I personally enjoy reading fantasy novels because I feel like they are more inspiring than other books. Also, I enjoy discovering the characters and being captivated by genius plot lines created by the author. Some of my favorite series I’ve read include Harry Potter, The School for Good and Evil, The Hunger Games and Serafina and the Black Cloak. All of these pieces of literature make me excited to read and they help my imagination and reading skills to mature. I dislike reading non-fiction because I feel like the author didn’t have to do much work in order to create the book. They had to research but not imagine and I find being creative harder than being factual. Also, non-fiction books don’t have characters and stories that you can become engrossed in. I am looking forward to going beyond my limits and expanding my literary horizons during sixth grade.

  24. When I sit down to enjoy a good book you will probably find me reading a realistic fiction based on friendship. I love books on friendship because I think that it is fun to look back on characters to how they changed from the beginning of the book to the end. I also sometimes like sad books because even if sad most sad books give a good message at the end. As I have read some comments people say that they would stay up past midnight to finish a great book. Even though I love reading and no matter how good my book is, I like my sleep.

  25. Reading is an important part in life. I am always reading a book, and when I finish one, I usually move right into another one. My favorite genre of books is fantasy. I love reading about strange new creatures and settings, which explains why my favorite series is Harry Potter. Some other series that I've read and enjoyed are The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson (Heros of Olympus and Percy Jackson and the Olympians), and Magnus Chase. I really enjoy reading a series, I like staying with characters for more than one book and getting to know them. My favorite book perspective isfirst person. I appreciate being able to know the characters emotions and opinions at a certain point/climax in the story and comparing them to mine. One genre that I dislike is non-fiction. I enjoy learning new facts, but can't get carried away in them. That's why fantasy is my favorite genre, there is always a great plot and good characters. I'm looking forward to expanding my literary skills and knowledge in sixth grade.

  26. If I had to describe myself as a reader, I would say that I love to sit down and enjoy a good book. I am very picky about choosing the perfect book for myself, so I never really am with one book at a time. The average books I am reading at a time are two to three. I read two to three books at a time because I get bored of each individual book, and want to switch back and forth throughout each one. Right now I am enjoying the books Out Of My Mind a book by Sharon Draper, and one book from my favorite series Land of Stories by Chris Colfer. They are both such great books and really make me feel like I’m inside each one. My favorite genres are Fantasy because of all the amazing adventures that the book puts me through, and Realistic Fiction because it teaches us life lessons about what to do and what not to do also, it has great stories to go along with it. I wouldn’t say that I love to read and would want to do it in all my free time, but I would read in most of my free time because after all reading is one skill that everyone loves.

  27. I love many types of books, but two of my favorites to read are fantasy and historical fiction. I love fantasy because you can imagine you are there with the characters. You can go on the same adventures they do. Fantasy spreads your imagination even wider. I personally the fantasy series The Land of Stories. I feel like I’m transported into the Land of Stories! I love historical fiction because you learn about historical events and see made up character’s view on the events. The I Survived series is a great example of that. Characters go through some of the worst moments in history. I don’t particularly like nonfiction. It interests me more to learn about made up characters outlook on life rather than real people. Reading makes me feel relaxed.

  28. I am a picky reader, I don't care for books that have corny jokes and odd plots. I enjoy dramatic stories that have plots, and take a while to get to them. I love a good mystery book that will leave me satisfied and thinking about how I could connect to my or other's life. I also love realistic fiction, I think most have compelling story lines, and leave me wanting more. I get lost with nearly any book consisting of animals. Nature is the one thing I cannot get enough of, I always want more and more. I double and triple read nature dictionaries, carefully studying each phrase, definition, picture, and subtitle. I look forward to read about these categories this year in 6th grade.

    1. I am more of a reader that when I see a book and I get hooked I will read it! I am not a picky reader, the book just has to grab or hook my attention. If I get hooked into a series I'll read. l am an avid reader. I really like mystery because it really makes me critically think. I also love historical books about our country and the great leaders we have had whether it's sports figures or political figures I love it! Books that really grab your attention are the type that you end up reading and there the type that you end up reading the whole book or the whole series!

  29. I enjoy many types of books, but my favorite genre is realistic fiction,because this genre is based off of a true story, The book rules is a great book. I enjoy this book because it is realistic fiction. I love a good realistic fiction book that introduces a new part to someones life every chapter.It makes me want to keep on reading more chapters so I can see what will happen next.I am looking forward to reading a lot of great new books this year.

    I love to read, but only certain genres. I mostly stick to fantasy and mythology books. I will read the other genres if I have to, but I usually don’t. My favorite books are the ones written by Rick Riordan. I love his books because of their well thought out plots and cool characters. I also like his books because they are funny, serious, and action packed at the same time. One thing that amazes me about his books is that all of his book series all tie together. I also like to read comic books and mangas. Mangas are Japanese comic books. I love superhero and Pokemon,so I read comics and manga's a lot. For me, I can get hooked onto a book if it is fantasy or mythology.

  31. I love to read realistic fiction books. I am okay with reading other books, but realistic is my favorite. I realy like the books James Patterson writes. The books he writes are realy funny and captivating. It sort of makes me mad when I really like a book then find out it's not a series. I like to read book series because when I get done with the first book I know there is an other one waiting on me to read. It is easy for me to get cought up in a realistic fiction book.

  32. I love reading, But I have to admit I am a very picky reader I am very specific on what I am reading and where I am reading I love to read comedic fiction books, I like these especially because they make me feel like I'm in a whole new world and occasionally give me a chuckle I like reading In a quiet cold place where I can throw a blanket over me and just relax.

  33. I love to read non-fiction books. I am not the biggest fan of reading fiction. I have always been this way, because I just like to read about something that is happening or happened. I also just can not read when it is not silent. I like reading when it is quiet. I am not a slow reader and I am not the fastest reader. I also like books that actually make since, some books just make no since at all. It may just be that I do not understand it or that it just is really messed up. In this coming up sixth grade year I can not wait to get better at reading and finding new books to read.

  34. I am a big fan of Fantasy stories, because, even though it sounds a little immature, I like to fantasize about that new world that I have discovered, and Imagine myself in that world. I find things that are unfamiliar to me more interesting, because it almost gives a sense of discovery, as in, I have discovered a new thing, a new world, a new realm. A well-written fantasy story can even transport me to places I can only imagine, and it gives me a thrill to imagine myself on a heroic journey with the characters in my stories. On the other hand, I am not the biggest fan of nonfiction stories. While fantasy transports me to something new, nonfiction tells me about something that happened or is happening. And sure, nonfiction is okay sometimes, to learn about something that can be applied to real life, but in my free time for fun, I would much prefer something other than cold, hard, facts.

    Sincerely, Noah Sparrow

  35. If I could only read one type of genre for the rest of my life, it would probably be Realistic Fiction. Now, how much I love to read all the other genres, my favorite has to be realistic fiction. I think I like realistic fiction the most because it's easier to picture in my mind.
    For example, James Patterson is one of my favorite authors. And probably one of my favorite book series of all time was I Funny, written by, of course, James Patterson. The main character in this book’s name is Jamie. He got very injured in a car crash and lost his mom and sister. He also can't walk now. But he gets through his struggles by doing comedy. And later, he becomes a very famous stand up comedian. Not only did this book series inspire me, but it also was really funny. That's exactly what I want out of a good book.

  36. I think of myself as not really a picky reader. I can read any book that interests me. I really like to read any books that involve mythical things. I do not like books that have someone dying at the beginning because I get sad, and not interesting. I really like the book The Lost Hero because it is really mythical and funny. That is how I describe my self as a reader.

  37. To be honest I don’t love reading. Sure books are interesting and they take you to places you have never been to before, but I just don’t get hooked. I would describe myself as a reader who looks ahead, I try to predict what will happen. I look for new words. I even try to imagine myself in the main characters situations. I love books about people even if the people are not real, I am interested in how they handle things and how I would react to the same problem. I love books that change your perspective about things. I hope this summer I can find a book that will take me away.

  38. As a reader I am very picky about my books. I have a hard time getting attached to books but when I do get attached I can't stop reading. Some books or series that I like are Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Lord of the Rings, and The Hobbit. As you can tell all of these books are fantasy. Fantasy is my favorite genera. I like to imagine what it would look like in a fantasy story. I also like Mystery stories because I like to predict what the mystery is.Sometimes I'm right sometimes I am wrong. There are a lot of cliffhangers and surprises in both fantasy and mystery and that is what a reader like me likes.

  39. My favorite genre is fantasy. I like it because to me most of them I think they make sense. But if am just not hooked into a book I am a fast reader because if I am not into a book I want to finish it and find a new one to read. If i am really into a book I will read slow to get all of the details and really understand it when I finish it. That is the kind of reader I am.

  40. If I have free time, I am not the type to pick up a book. I like to read with a set timer and I almost never read one second over. But, when I do read, I like fantasy or books in a series. I like fantasy because I like imagining that I am there and how cool it would be. I like books in a series because there is always something new in each book and I can follow the same characters for a longer time through different adventures. When I get into a book, then I will sometimes read for a lot longer than my thirty minute timer. Reading is not my favorite thing to do but I know that it is important to read.

  41. I do not think of myself as a picky reader. I am willing to try new books and new genres. However, my favorite genre is Realistic Fiction. It is my favorite because it can happen in real life and you can use a part of or a lesson from the book in your life. Although I enjoy reading all genres, I do not like read any book that is confusing. It is hard for me to enjoy a book when I don’t know what is going on in it.

  42. If I were to describe myself as a reader, I would first say that I really enjoy it. It exposes me to new ideas, places, and knowledge. Reading takes me to places that exist and places that don't, but in the end, after I have read it, I have learned something new. Whether it is a new word, or interesting facts about a place or thing, reading is in my opinion the best way to learn about everything. A main reason that I read is because it helps you in everything you do, even if you are not in Language Arts class. When you are in math, you might be familiar with a new subject because of a former book that you read, or you know all about certain things in an ecology unit in science because of a book on plants you read. Some genres that I particularly enjoy reading is fantasy, historical fiction, and realistic fiction. The reason I like fiction is because it is a very imaginative genre. I also love to read about major historic events to expand my knowledge about the past. Reading is a very fun part of my life and I am looking forward to doing it more in sixth grade.

  43. I love reading, but I've found myself in many situations that i'm not in to a book. I mainly enjoy realistic fiction because I can possibly relate the book to my life. When I read books they make me fell like I'm in a different world. Some books that I read have left me confused, so i plan on reading them when i'm older. This is my opinion reading what's yours?

  44. As a reader I feel like I am not a huge reader, but I still do enjoy it. I feel like I am almost in the world of what I am reading. Reading is a great thing, and is also a great thing to do if you have been on screens all day. It is a great thing to do when you need to escape everything and just relax.

  45. If I were to describe myself as a reader I would say that I am very picky! I only like to read realistic fiction, fiction, and fantasy. Also, I won't continue the book if the begining doesn't hook my attention. I like a quiet environment around me as well. Reading will take me into to another world if I am concentrating on the book. During my 8th and final year at Oak Hill School I want to be able to enjoy a wide variety genres. I love reading and I hope I will be able to enjoy it more.

  46. As a reader I think I am not a huge book worm, but if I get into a book that I like then I will find myself reading it for hours. I like books that have adventure and Greek mythology. Some books that I like are the Odessey and the Narnia series. My favorite Narnia book is The Magicians Nephew. I am not a fan of some non fiction. The ones that I do like are about animals. I hope this year I can find more books to read.

  47. If I had to describe myself as a reader I would say I am pretty picky with my books. If I don't like a book I know automatically and will find a new book I enjoy. I like action books and books about spies and mystery.

  48. I would describe myself as a voracious reader. I love reading. I like to read mysteries and graphic novels, but not the weird ones. I also like reading fiction books and biographies.

  49. This is how I would describe myself as a reader. I love fantasy and fiction, especially books like "Harry Potter". I like these books because one moment it's funny and then the next the characters are flying away in a magic car. The events and characters are creative and this keeps me interested. As a reader I need to be more focused while I read, so I choose books that keep me in the story. Also, I enjoy animal related non-fiction because I like to learn about new things, especially when it comes to nature. Fantasy and nature books are my favorite because they keep me focused and as reader sometimes that is hard for me.

  50. This is how I would describe myself as a reader. I love fantasy and fiction, especially books like "Harry Potter". I like these books because one moment it's funny and then the next the characters are flying away in a magic car. The events and characters are creative and this keeps me interested. As a reader I need to be more focused while I read, so I choose books that keep me in the story. Also, I enjoy animal related non-fiction because I like to learn about new things, especially when it comes to nature. Fantasy and nature books are my favorite because they keep me focused and as reader sometimes that is hard for me

  51. I think that as a book reader I like reading but don't love reading. For example I love to read when I choose to read but I hate being told to read.

  52. I love to read. I enjoy stories like biographies and realistic fiction, but I love adventure and mystery most of all. When I am reading one of these stories I can get lost in my book, and sometimes read up to 4 hours straight. I can be picky sometimes, because I like interesting plots that you can still relate to. I like to see if I can relate to the book's plot, and if I can, I get super hooked. That is how I describe myself as a reader.

  53. I would describe myself as an enthusiastic reader. I love to go to the bookstore or library and find a big stack of books to read and set a reading goal. However, when it come to choosing the books for the stack, I am extremely picky. I am a huge fan of fantasy books, but I also enjoy realistic fiction. If I start a book and don’t like it, I am not afraid to put it down. I love to read, but it is something that I don’t always do in my free time. I prefer to read right before I go to bed, but if I love a book I read it anytime that I have the chance. That is how I describe myself as a reader.

  54. I would describe myself as an enthusiastic reader. I love to go to the bookstore or library and find a big stack of books to read and set a reading goal. However, when it come to choosing the books for the stack, I am extremely picky. I am a huge fan of fantasy books, but I also enjoy realistic fiction. If I start a book and don’t like it, I am not afraid to put it down. I love to read, but it is something that I don’t always do in my free time. I prefer to read right before I go to bed, but if I love a book I read it anytime that I have the chance. That is how I describe myself as a reader.

  55. I am a pick up and put down reader. If I don't like a book, or don't have a lot of interest, or even don't have enough time to read it, I can put it down and (possibly) pick it up later in about the same spot. I also like coming back to the classics. I will read books and series over and over again. When it has earned a spot in my hall of fame, you know it is a good book. I can also read anywhere and anytime. My number one reading motto is 'Always bring a book.' I don't like books with little plot and/or bad characters, but will try almost anything. That is how I describe myself as a reader.

  56. As a reader I sometimes trap myself In one genre at a time. All of my 5th grade year I may have read three books that were not fantasy, so this summer i decided to branch out in different genres. That changed my opinion of what genre I like the most. Now have realized that most genres have a book for me, so now I love all genres. One reason I love reading is I have patients. That helps a lot when you are reading a book that is very, VERY boring in the begging, but ends up ending incredible. That is the type of reader I think I am.

  57. This is how I would describe myself as a reader. I love to read different kinds of books, but my favorites are fantasy and fiction. If I start a book and it is really interesting I usually can't put it down. If I get a book that is not very interesting I will usually pick another book. My favorite place to read is my bed because it is really comfortable. This is how I describe myself as a reader.

  58. I can be a good reader and a bad reader. If I don't like a book I wont pay attention, rarely read it and just because confused. I am also a very slow reader so if It is a very long book unless I read it a lot the odds are I wont understand it and not like it.
