Monday, July 10, 2017

Design the Ideal Class or School

Dear students,

This is not a reading post but rather a post about ideal learning experiences. As you get to know me, you will find that one of my passions is training teachers and thinking about 21st century learning. I always find it interesting that while our world has changed drastically in terms of technology and jobs, schools have not changed very much. I strongly believe we need to think about how we incorporate collaboration, creativity, problem-solving and innovation in the classroom and sometimes that means a school or class may look a little different.

I love for my students to THINK, CREATE, and DESIGN their learning experiences. I am curious as to what you think the ideal class or school would be like. Feel free to think outside the box and be as creative as you want. There are no right or wrong answers, but I strongly suggest you really think about your ideal school experience and brainstorm some ideas before writing your post.

When answering this question, explain what your summer reading program would be and why. Be sure to proofread your writing before you post it.


  1. I think the perfect school would be a place where kids could worship God, and learn everything you need to know. I think if a student could ask any question, the teacher could give them an answer. You should be able to study what you want to do when you grow up. There should be clubs of any kind, and you can study whatever you want to study (within reason). It should be a place where you can have a good education about academics, sports, God, and miscellaneous. It should be a place where the students have a voice in what they want to learn. It should be a place where the limit is your imagination. It should be fun, but educational , so kids won’t be sad when they have to go to school in the morning. The school should have plenty of sports opportunities. The teachers should be kind, so the students won’t feel pressured or any negative feeling when doing a task. There should be field trips around every two months, so we won’t be stuck in a classroom almost all day. School should be a welcoming place to learn about things and have fun. That is what I think the perfect school should be like.

  2. My perfect school experience would be for there to be a 10 minute break between each class so that people can get a start to their homework. Some people like me have sports or other things after school, which means we don't have a lot of time to do home work. With a break after every class, I have a better chance of getting my homework done and doing it better than if I were in a rush to finish it. I think this would be a great and un stressful school experience and I know a lot of people would agree.

  3. The perfect school to me would be a place where the students and their families feel welcome. A place to be able to learn about the Bible and the lord. I also think you should be comfortable asking questions. The teachers should be encouraging and set a good example for the students. A perfect school to me would give lots of time during the school day to do home work, so you're not stressed out at night. A school should also be a safe and fun place.

  4. The perfect school to me would be a place where you should feel comfortable and free to ask questions, and to engage in any activities. I think it's also important to have a wide variety of activities, both academic and extracurricular. Also it's good to spread your branches and work together in clubs to stretch your brain even further. Lastly, you should feel comfortable to come talk to your teachers about things in school and out. This would be my perfect school to attend.

  5. The perfect school for me would be a school that shows grace and forgiveness to someone who has made a mistake.I also think there should be as Chase said more time to do homework in the day so we can enjoy the afternoon with minimal stress. School should be a nice and fun enviorment

  6. A perfect school for me would be a school where all of the teachers would challenge you. Everyday we would have all four classes including science, math, social studies, and language arts. Not only would be challenged in all of the subjects, but we would have enrichments that would challenge us too. For example, I think we would have Bible more often, so we could always be learning about God. My perfect school would also have brakes between our subjects, so we could have time to go run around or eat snack. School would be a very welcoming environment that would help kids not get stressed before tests and quizzes. This is my perfect school.

  7. The perfect school for me would be a school that challenge you in absolutely everything. I would love to have goals, achievements, and a competitive but supportive, and friendly environment. I believe that would motivate students to learn and get more done.

  8. The perfect school for me would have to be a school that challenges you but also have fun while doing it,just like Oak Hill. I would want the teachers to have grace and to be patient with their students. I think that these ideas for a perfect school are imperative. In conclusion, this is what my perfect school would be like.

  9. There are multiple ideas I have for an ideal class and school. First, I think that this year our class rotations should work more like how our next schools' rotations work. I had been looking forward to it after fourth grade, and I am sort of surprised they changed the way they did it, because I thought it would prepare us nicely for our next schools. Next, I would want to put aside more time for interactive learning and collaborating. I really enjoy when we do science activities together or trying to solve a challenging word problem in math. I think we learn more than when we are filling out math worksheets or reading a textbook, and it is ten times more fun. Doing more hands-on projects and collaborating will also let us get to know people we normally do not hang out with. It can bring us closer as a grade and makes school more exciting. Something else I think would improve our school is making the schedules less complicated and easier on the students. If they can't change the Sixth grade rotations back to the way they were before, at least make the block schedules less complicated and easier to memorize. I think the times of recess and classes should be the same every day of the rotation so people don't get confused. I also think that the schedules should be reasonable. Last year, on H day, Sage and Lime classes had two hundred minutes straight in the morning, which completely drained all the students' energy before they even reached lunch. We need schedules that do not make us tired and out of energy. One more idea I had was based on something a lot of other people were saying their blogs. I heard a lot of people say they wanted more time to do homework at school, but I didn't see what the best way to make that happen was. My solution is to let people choose between recess and study hall at the end of the day. That way students who have a time consuming activity after school can go to study hall, while the people who feel like they do not need it can go to recess. I'm not talking about extra recess, but our daily recess. We would have double the time, and people could do study hall until they finish, then go outside. It would also allow students to be in control of their time and to learn to manage it. I think the students could benefit greatly from this idea in multiple ways. Lastly, I have an idea that extends past just Oak Hill. I think in all schools that no one should be judged on their beliefs or religions. Someone should not be judged by whether they are Christian, Jewish, or even muslim. I think people should be judged on their actions and intentions, not what beliefs or customs they have. Those are my ideas for my ideal school.

  10. The perfect school to me would be a school that everyone would think about each other and think about how they feel about something so if you be mean to someone if you made a mistake they would feel what you feel if they were mad at you. What I am trying to say is everyone should be kind and forgiving. I think we have done good at that through the years so I want to keep it up. I think the schedules should be more spread out on class time like Leland said. I hope this will be a great year for everyone this school year.

  11. The perfect school for me would be a school that challenges me. If I could change anything about a school I would let the students choose if they wanted to go to recess or have an extra study hall. Also I would have flag every morning so the kids could grow closer to there fellow class mates and closer to God. Lastly I would want to have a friendly community that include all religions. This would be my vision of a perfect school.

  12. A perfect school for me would be a school where everybody will be very excited about going and get their minds off whatever bad things could be happening at home. A school should also be friendships are made and achievements are accomplished. I think a school always needs a place where students are welcome to come and worship God. This is what a perfect school looks like to me.

  13. My opinion of a perfect school is a school where the students enjoy going to class because the lessons are exciting and interactive, and where the teachers are patient with their students, but challenge them to learn more. I also think that the perfect school will offer an enrichment class where students can invent new things and let their imagination take over. Another thing I would have at my perfect school is a wide variety of sports to choose from so that everybody who wants to participate in a sport has the opportunity to do so. My perfect school also has a bible class once a week so we can all grow closer to God. Lastly, I would have a thirty minute study hall every day so that the students could have time to finish their homework. That is what I think a perfect school would be like. As for the summer reading program, I would ask the students to send me an email with their summer activities that they have planned, such as golf, swim team, vacations and camps. The teacher would give recommended books for summer reading to the students based on the responses so that their summer books can be brought to life through their experiences. I think this would make the reading more fun. Then, the students could tell everybody about their experiences and how the book related to their summer experience on the first few days of school.

    1. I entirely agree with you. school should be something to look forward to. you will tend to learn more when you enjoy what you are doing. Another part of me says the perfect school should include a candy store and a ferris wheel.

  14. I think that a perfect school for me would be a school where you can grow close to God. It should be a place where anyone can talk to anyone about things going on in their lives. It should also be a place where everyone can make friends. I think it would be nice to have more study hall, so that we can get more homework done. I think we would need more time for bible everyday. Most importantly, we need a school where we are challenged.

    1. I agree with you Mary Teal, especially about being in a environment where you can talk about things going on, freely talk about god, and grow close to him.

  15. A perfect school would be a school with excitement, energy and hard work. We would have PE every day and we would work until we were challenged. We would go home every day with new knowledge inside of our heads. We would make friendships with everyone. Nothing would be awkward or weird. We would get closer to Jesus Christ.

  16. I think a great learning environment has hands on learning, school trips, and educational activities. I think it is important to have hands on learning because it makes you think a lot more because you are actually physically doing something while having fun. I also think it is great to go on field trips so you watch something or looking at something in person instead of looking at something in a book or reading about how something happens. Educational activities are important to do because they make you think and learn but you have a good time. Another reason activities are helpful is because games are fun and make you want to succeed.

  17. I have a lot of ideas for my perfect school. I think there should be less kids in a class (like maybe 8 or 10) so that everyone really knows what they are learning and everyone has a chance to participate. Also, people should have to play one team sport for the school so that they know how to work together as a team and accomplish goals as a team. Requiring one team sport would also create more school spirit. I think the students not playing in that game should come cheer the team on so the school has more support and fun school spirit. There would be more time for homework at school so that you are not up all night trying to get it done. Getting more homework done at school also allows for more family time at home and less stress. It also gives students more time to realize if they need to ask a question while they are at school instead of getting home and realizing when they start working that they are confused. My perfect school would have two classes a day so you do not have to remember four classes worth of information and have four classes worth of homework each night. Also, each trimester you can pick something you might want to do when you have a job and learn about it one day a week. If we learned what adults actually do in different jobs, we might know more about what we’d like to do and what our different options are. Maybe this would make us realize we are interested in a job that we would not have known about or thought about doing. I would like adults to come show us what they do at work or maybe we can take a field trip to watch them at work. We would have enrichments like art, bible, and music. I really think Bible is important and I like learning about it so maybe we would have Bible class more often. I think we should have more computer learning because most of the world revolves around technology. I think we need a class on typing so we can learn to type fast. Finally, I would want a place where students and their families feel welcomed and safe. This is my perfect school.

  18. In my opinion a perfect school would be where children of all races, religions, and ethnic groups could come together and have fun learning, despite their difference. The reason I think that because it doesn't matter who you are, we all should get equal treatment. Not all people that are different are bad. We are all made by the same person, God. This school would be called Utopia because that means "Perfect World". Yes the world will never be perfect, but it would be nice to see a difference. It would have every subject, and it would have different religion classes for the different religions. It would have every sport team because people like different sports. I think it would make God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit proud that all people can come together despite there differences.

  19. My ideal classroom would mean that everybody comes to school excited to learn. One of my ideas on this are starting school later. This would mean everybody would come prepared and ready to learn with an awake mind. There should also be more breaks in between classes so that our brains can rest (especially after a long test). I think these changes would make students more happy and excited to learn.

  20. The Ideal learning Environment for me would be a place where you are allowed to think freely, and people would never judge you. You could ask any question and the teacher would answer it, without hesitation, exactly what you wanted to know. I would like a place that lets you be who you are and lets you follow your own religion and customs, and a place that lets you focus on not just learning, but forging friendships and caring about the people around you. I dream of a place where creativity is welcomed by all, you could say what you want to say, without thinking how other people might judge you, if that person might think what you are about to say was stupid. this is what I think the perfect learning environment would be like for me.
    Peace out.

    Sincerely, Noah S

  21. I have a lot of ideas for a perfect school. One would be that we would only have 13 or 15 kids in a class so everyone could get to know each other better. We would also have more hands on activities in class. I would also would want there to be at least 15 minutes a day where a student could talk to the teacher they can work with the on homework and other things. We would also have 20 minutes of recess. I also wish that we could have a small break period after a test and other things like that. These are some of my ideas for a perfect school.

  22. My ideal perfect school would be where you are allowed to always be open minded. A place where friendships are made and goals are achieved. A place where you worship the lord and all he has given you. A place where each day you can have a little bit of individual time with the teacher! A place that is fun and a place where you can take your mind of distractions and focus on your ability as a student. That would be my ideal or perfect school!

    1. I agree with you Davis where you get individual time with the teacher, because you will get a deeper understanding of the concept.

  23. My idea of my favorite school would be where everyone could get really creative and be open minded about everything. Also, I think that each lesson should somehow point to God in a way. In science, it could center back to how God created the beautiful nature that we get to use to experiment. Same with Social Studies and geography and how amazing God’s world is. Also, I think we should have more time to talk about God or have bible study groups. I think everyone should be able to have their own ideas and their own opinion on what they believe is right. I also think that students should be able to pick what enrichments we have. For example, one person could pick french and band and another person could pick art and choir. I think that science could be more experimental by actually bringing in animals or going outside and finding different species of plant by walking around the school or going somewhere. My summer reading program would have an online blog like this where you could blog about what you read. I would do this because I think through writing about the book, people can realize how much something in the story relates to their life and could find a book that they really have a connection with. Also on my summer reading program I would have everyone find something that they learned while reading the book. One example could be in the giving tree when you learn that giving is better than receiving. I would really try to help them make the lesson or moral that they learned part of their life. To me, that would be the perfect idea of a school.

  24. I think the ideal class for me would be a class with people you could learn from as well as people you could help. This would be an amazing class for me because I love helping other people as well as getting help from someone. Also, I would like a teacher who is nice but strict. The ideal school for me would be a school where you could worship God whenever you want. Also, I would like a school that has every sport and great teachers. Lastly I would like a school that is fun but educational. It is important for kids not to dread every moment of school, but at the same time, learning. My favorite reading program would be a lot of people who like to read. And there would be a variety of books and pages that we would read. Lastly, there would be books that we read for fun and books that we have to do book reports on.

  25. My ideal school would be a place where you could pick your path of learning so you could practice doing what you want to do in life. Also you could worship God and pray like we do at school. I also would like playing sports and having a long PE.That would be my ideal school.

  26. My ideal school would be an environment where as you progress toward how the next schools treats you, so that the transition between schools is easier and less stressful. I think that we should also have access to bibles and possibly have a unit on reading them during school. At Oak Hill School the teachers do a great job of encouraging questions, but one thing that students could change is opening their mind to new concepts. All those things combined would make my school perfect.

  27. A school to me is a place where children come together to learn. To me the perfect school is a place where god unites all of us to learn, not only about about school but about who we are as a person. I think it's ok if the teachers do not know every single question they are asked but not only for the students learn from the teachers but for the teachers to learn from the students. At this perfect school not every day would be perfect some days would be bad, because if every day where to be perfect then how would we learn and reflect from the bad days. This perfect school would have kids and teachers to see me not only at my best but at my worst and they would learn, reflect, and grow with me. But the best part about this school is unlimited recess!

  28. I think the ideal classroom would be that we would have 12-16 people in a class so we could get closer. I think we should have each subject with a different class of people. We would also have 5 classes a day and one of them would be a study hall. Also, I think we should start school later and not have as long for recess, lunch, and PE. The reason I think that is so that we could sleep longer is because kids these days have so many sports and activities and we do not start our homework till late at night and do not get much sleep staying up studying and doing work that way we'll be able to focus better on our learning. I also think that should have more windows and work outside more. When I was in Uganda we saw that all the classrooms were outside and they did not have to sit inside all day. I also think we should have more comfortable seating in the classroom. As an example, we could have the colab chars that are more comfortable. While we are in the classroom sitting at our desks kids are uncomfortable with a hardback. This is what I think an ideal classroom would be like.

  29. I have a a lot of Ideas of a perfect school. The first would be to have bible everyday. I think it is very important to have a school of the same religion, so we can all agree with one another. Every morning we would have morning meeting and greet each one another with a nice handshake:) There would be at least 10 kids in each classroom because I think it is important to always have a lot of friends, but to also be able to learn and ask as many questions you may have. Everyone should be able to participate in any school sport they want, but they must participate in at least one. It would help the school have more school spirit! My perfect school would have two classes a day and each be 80 minutes long. that would make the students have plenty of time to learn and soak in what they learned. Also, the homework would not be nearly as bad with 2 classes of homework rather than 4. Everyday each class would have one erichment like music, bible, tech, art, drama, and Spanish or french or Italian. If my school had a class of tech it would help all of us kids be more aware of the technology in our world. I think it is very important for each student to be able to speak another language than there own. This is my ideal of a perfect school!

  30. My ideal school would be a place were we would have two classes a day, so everyone is not as stressed out. we would do enrichment like the ones we already have. And we would also have after school activity like sports and clubs. All of those combined is my ideal school.

  31. My ideal school would have many clubs you sign up for. I would also really love to have more experiments in science. We would do lots of history, and maybe add more sports that schools normally don't have. Like climbing, river sports, etc. We would have 3 classes each day. In art we would do a lot more sculpting and painting.

  32. In my ideal school, you could choose some of your classes, but would also have to take some necessary subjects. You would create your own schedule and have one study hall each day. There would be a certain amount of homework every week (for each subject) that you have the whole week to complete. Flag would be a little longer and devoted completely to God (and everyone would have a Bible). That would be my Ideal school.

  33. At my ideal school, students would have to take math, language arts, social studies, and science. They would have two of those kinds of classes a day. For instance, they would have math and social studies one day, and the next day they would have language arts and science. They would rotate every day. Then each trimester they would get to choose two classes, a language, and just an interest class. For their language class they would get to choose from spanish, french, chinese, or italian. For their interest class they would get to choose from, theater, cooking, art, and music. So every day they would have their two academic classes for that day, either language, or interest class (they would switch every day just like the academic ones), and bible. Every day they would have bible. Also, every day they would have PE, recess, and lunch of course. In the morning they would have flag raising, and right after that they would go straight to advisory which would be organized by gender (there will be all girl, and all boy advisories.) After that they would have PE because studies show that after you have been running and your heart rate has been up, you will do better in class, and be able to focus better also. Then they would have their first academic class of the day. After that, they would have bible. Then they would head to recess, right before lunch. After lunch, they would have either their language or interest class. Then, they would have their last academic class of the day. And lastly, they would have a nice long study hall to hopefully get all of their homework out of the way! This would be my perfect ideal school!

  34. My perfect and Ideal school would be a place where everyone has God with them and feels okay to be who they are as well as if they need help with a math problem, to a problem in their family or with friends etc. You would be happy to come and feel welcome. You would be able to feel close and get to know your teacher/advisor one on one. Not only learn but do what you enjoy without being judged by anyone or anything. A place where bible class is more. Where you have time to be alone with God one by one by yourself. BE able to tell God all your worries. Have a test and then get a break and let your mind free for 10 minutes at the least. Have fun and have no stress. Grow as a writer, a reader, student of God, and so much more! That is my perfect and ideal school.

  35. My perfect Ideal of school is making more safety rules for us. Example, we should have more drills such as fire drill, tornado drill, and a lock down drill for our safety. Also If your not with your teacher, go to the nearest exit and find a teacher and tell them what class your in so your other teacher knows. That is my ideal of our safety.

  36. My perfect and ideal school would be a place where you study with animals. Imagine you are reading a book and a bunny is sitting in your lap. Or your doing class work with a monkey on your shoulder. Also it would be fun to play with all the animals. That is my idea of a perfect school.

  37. My ideal school would be a place to worship God, become a better person, be prepared for your next school and learn important lessons so you will be ready for whatever life throws at you. In this school, you would learn anything you need to know, and anything you are curious about. There would be a good amount of group work as well as individual assignments. There would be decisions you can make as a student and everything you do would have a place for creativity as well as being unique. There would be lots of one-on-one time with the teachers and students. Students would always be involved and moving around. Everyone could share their methods and ideas without being laughed at or made fun of. Students would be able to create their own projects based on information that they have learned. Every mistake would be used as a learning experience. During the summer, students will be required to participate in one service project, do weekly math assignments, contribute to a blog, read one recommended book and write an essay on it, and lastly, they could choose to do one project of their choice. This would be my ideal school.

  38. My ideal classroom would be organized! I mean there is a certain spot for everything. Not like there are random books on a bookshelf, I mean the books are organized by author standing straight up on a clean bookshelf. I learn better in a classroom that is not only organized but clean. In my perfect classroom, at the end of the day all the students would wipe down the desks and pick up the pencils on the floor. That would be my perfect classroom.

  39. My ideal school would defiantly be a place where we could learn about god and grow as a student, a person, and a Christian. I really love group activities because you get to hear other people's thoughts, and also share yours. For the summer I would post weekly math assignments, but they wouldn't be ixl they would be sheets you could print out to work on. They would be challenging problems, and they would push the student. I would want kids to read a set amount of time, and would give them book recommendations. This would be my ideal school.

  40. My ideal school would be a place where anyone can go, from time to time, come and go as free as they want. If they want to switch school then they go switch schools without any hassle. We would also have bible for everyone that goes there. I would want to have 2 campuses one for Pre-K through 6th and another for 7- 12th. We would want to challenge the students, so we would give them math books with everything that we learned that year and they would fill it out throughout the year. This would be my school.

  41. My ideal school would be christian based, challenging and fun, and have excellent teachers. First, a christian school is important to me because I think studying about the bible helps students make better decisions. For example, trusting in God and discovering your spiritual path helps you get closer to God. It is also important to have a challenging school that is fun for students. I like when teachers push me to the furthest point of learning. When we have fun activities this helps enjoy being challenged. Last year, art class challenged me in a fun way when we painted like Picasso. This helped me think about art in a different way. The most important part of my ideal school would the teachers. Teachers that are nice and motivate me to do my best are the teachers that I respect and learn from. An ideal school for me would have a christian environment, would challenging and fun, and have amazing teachers.

  42. My summer reading program would be that you have to read 3 books, with one a biography, one fiction and one mystery. You have to write about your favorite part of each book on a piece of paper and bring it to class. The writing has to be longer than 3 sentences but doesn't have to be an essay.

  43. My summer reading program would be that you had to read 4 books and two of them had to be realistic fiction and the other two you could choose and for writing you would have to write 5 of your favorite things you did this summer and it has to be 3 paragraph.

  44. My ideal school would be a place that welcomes you with loving arms and you look forward to it every day. I would want to go to a school that really prepares you for life and all of its mysteries. I would want to learn things that I can really get something valuable from and for there not to be a single wasted minute. I would like to never say that I didn’t get anything from a lesson or class. I would like for you to be able to choose the extracurricular activities that you do and for there to be a lot more options so you can sculpt your interests throughout the years and come out knowing what you love and to be able to pursue it. I also want a school that will just feel like a really supportive environment and that we are all lifting each other up instead of bringing each other down. I think this is very important to stay happy and confident throughout life and for us to get the most out of school that we can.

  45. My ideal school would be a school where you can choose your classes, that way you don't dread any classes. You would also be able to choose what days and times your classes are. That way you could get everything done in three days and have a long weekend.
    That would be my ideal school.

  46. I think an ideal school would be a christian environment where kids and their parents feel safe for their kids to be learning. I also think it would have a good study hall where kids could get a good head start on their homework. Another good thing would be a great PE system where kids could be active after sitting down and doing schoolwork. These are my ideas for an ideal school.

  47. I think an ideal school is where everybody gets a great and safe education. The students would be pushed to do there best and there would be more working together then going solo. In group work things get done faster and the students would be able to to ear everyones idea and learn from them. Another Ideal factor for a good school is not just education but physical education. Afer sitting around all day kids need to get lots of energy out. That way they are not all destracted in class. these are some of my ideas for an ideal school.

  48. I think an ideal school would be a place where learning is fun but still effective. Also, there would be one hour of church every day so that the students would get to know God and learn through Him. Another idea that I think would be helpful would be for each student to have a study and homework schedule. I personally struggle with getting my homework done on time and not procrastinating. A study schedule would help keep my priorities straight and finish my work on time. Finally, my ideal school would have more projects where we write instead of draw because I am not even the slightest bit artistic.

  49. I think an ideal school is where everyone gets a good education and everyone gets all their work done on time. Also they would a study hall to get help on the homework they didn't understand. I also think it should be in a safe environment. They have P.E. or recess so they could get their energy out. this is what an ideal school would look like to me.

  50. I think an ideal school is where you can work your school schedule around your life schedule. Yes, there are classes you have to take, but if you know you are going to be out, you can have the class notes sent ahead of time and even record lectures so you can listen to them later. All classes should have something like facetime account so even if you are on the plane or even in another country, you can still participate. Also, they should have a wide curriculum of arts and sports so you can learn what you are good at, and enjoy doing it with your classmates. That way you can be confident and know what you are good at going forward. The school should also be updated. Any new discoveries are included in science. The latest history being taught in social studies. The school should be able to adapt to what is happening now. That is what my ideal school would be.

  51. My idea for a perfect school is a school where you can be very personalized. You can choose your enrichments and be able to go deeper in some of them. This would not mean you could choose only one enrichment, you would have to choose a minimum of three so people would not just do nothing to get out of school. In a way, it would be the same for academics. You would have to do all subjects, but for one or two of them, you could go deeper in a subject you like. This would give each person an option to have a personalized academic life and find what they want to do in life later. This is just my opinion as a perfect school.

  52. My ideal school would be a school where you could choose the class you would like to focus on the most, but you would still have to do every class so you get a well rounded education. Also I would like the school to have good teachers and staff, and I would like it to be in a safe location. The school would also have good education but to get in isn't very hard and it's not very expensive, so almost anyone can learn.

    1. I agree with Charlie. You should pick what you want to focus on. You do still need to take a variety of classes but you should pick a class to take more often. Although you still need to pay a good amount of money to get in. If you have good staff, they should be well payed. The price should still be low so lots of people can afford it.


  53. I think in the classroom each person should have their own closed off pod with a desk chair, a microphone and a speaker. I think that would be good because you could concentrate on your work without distractions and you could still talk to your teacher with the microphone and the speaker. I that each student would have their very own teacher so that you could have the perfect teacher for you. For the summer reading program I think that you should have to read two books chosen by the teachers for you and write a report about both of them. Then you would have to read a book of your choice that the teacher would have to approve it. I think that it would keep you good at reading over the summer and it would tell the teachers that you understood what you were reading.

  54. I think a kid should have a small hand full of kids and a teacher, desk, chair, and a separate classroom from the the rest of the other class rooms. Teach teacher will teach one subject like this year but having the hand full of kids that like that subject. The reason I think this should help is so that that kids a board with stuff that they might already know or if somone that is falling behind takes two lessons instead one. The kids will have fun at school or the kids that are behind catch up to the rest of the grade.
